Retaining Walls

A well placed and well designed retaining wall will hold back soil and rocks, protecting your landscape from erosion and runoff. Ciminelli’s Landscape Services, Inc. has special experience designing and installing retaining walls in the mid-Atlantic region. Using a variety of materials, we can create a beautiful and functional retaining wall to fit your style and budget.

Types of Landscape Retaining Walls:


  • Block Retaining Walls
  • Celtik Retaining Walls
  • Concrete Retaining Walls
  • Curved Retaining Walls
  • “Living” Retaining Walls
  • Mortared Retaining Walls
  • Old World Retaining Walls
  • Seating or Sitting Walls
  • Stacked Stone Retaining Walls
  • Tiered Retaining Walls
  • Timber Retaining Walls

Living Retaining Walls

Matt Ciminelli is a leading Annapolis landscaper practicing environmentally friendly techniques and “green-scaping”. We create a number of interesting retaining walls using environmentally friendly materials as well as create living retaining walls. Maryland offers a wonderful climate for living retaining walls. A living wall provides:

Function – Living Retaining Walls function just as a traditional stone or timber retaining wall would.

Beauty – Living Retaining Walls add beauty to a landscape by converting hardscapes into greenscapes and creating a vertical garden as well as a habitat for birds, butterflies and beneficial insects.

Conservation – Living Retaining Walls typically require 50% less concrete or other building material to construct. Living Retaining Walls also reduce storm water runoff and reduce erosion.

Our Work

Click the photos below to view some of our completed retaining walls.

Retaining Wall, Paver patio
Retaining Wall
Rain Garden
Paver patio, stairs and retaining wall
Smartslope Waterfront retaining wall, Erosion control
Smartslope planted retaining wall
Colonial Wallstone - Lighting- Flagstone walksway RETAINING WALLS, Also put in Lighting, Steps
Cast Wall and steps with Belmont Cap
Artistic Maryland Sandstone seat incorporated into the wall.
Colonial Wallstone with cut flagstone mortared top. Landscaping
Chimney, retaining wall, Landscaping, Patio. Put in Chimneys/Outdoor Kitchens
Riva Smart Slope Retaining Wall
Limestone wall, rock-faced cap, Landscaping
Natural wallstone firepit, retaining wall and patio with wood storage
Retaining Walls

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