
Our goal is to design drainage to control the water that comes onto your property and direct the flow to minimize any erosion and damaging overflow. There are a variety of drainage solutions that we can incorporate into your landscape.

Ciminelli’s Landscape Services, Inc Drainage Solutions:

  • Install drainage flow wells
  • Connect downspouts to piping, diverting flow where desired
  • Install Rain Gardens to absorb storm water
  • Install Retaining Walls

Drainage is an important factor in designing a landscape and we take every effort to anticipate drainage needs when installing your landscape or hardscape. Erosion is often caused by undesirable drainage and grading. Aside from run-off, insufficient drainage can cause moisture soaked areas in your landscape that cause puddles of standing water.


Our Work

Click the photos below to view some of our completed drainage solutions.

DRAINAGE - Biolog edging for erosion control
DRAINAGE/RAINGARDENS - Rain garden and drainage swale
Driveway Retaining Wall with Riverstone creek bed and plantings
DRAINAGE - Smartslope planted retaining wall play area leveling, Erosion control
DRAINAGE - Landscaping planting beds with River Rock edges for drainage
DRAINAGE - Geotextile fabric with flowell and gravel swale

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