Ciminelli’s Landscaping in Winter

Winter is no excuse for an Annapolis landscape and garden to not be tended to. Indeed, in some cases they may need more tending to than during the growing season,especially in climates that are cold in the winter. Left to the elements, some plants might freeze or be so damaged that it will be difficult for them to return to health, furniture that’s left outside might deteriorate, irrigation pipes may burst and expensive and prized garden tools can rust.

The professionals at Ciminelli’s Landscape Services know that snow can be a great insulator and even a great mulch, as it protects plants from freezing winds. However, snow that’s shoveled onto a plant can be damaging. Also, some evergreen trees should have snow gently brushed off of their boughs lest the weight of the snow cause the bughs to break. Rose bushes should be mulched up to their stems and if necessary protected by burlap. Salt de-icers should also be used judiciously or avoided all together. Ciminelli’s offers nonsalt de-icers for their customers.

The bulbs of canna lilies and gladiola should be taken up, stored in paper bags and brought indoors before the frost, but daffodils can be planted during the late fall and early winter to blossom in the spring and summer.

Lawns also need care during the winter. Winterizing the lawn in Annapolis should ideally begin in the late summer or fall. Thatch should be removed and the lawn should be aerated. During the fall, the lawn should have its last application of fertilizer for the year so it will have nutrients before the law goes dormant. The customer should take care not to allow salt to fall on the grass.

Tools, also should be put up for the winter. They should be cleaned and some, like pruners, should be oiled to stay sharp. Gas should be drained from lawn mowers and the blades should also be cleared of dead grass and debris. Ciminelli’s can see to all of their customer’s winterizing needs.

Residential or commercial customers who need their landscapes winterized shouldn’t hesitate to call Ciminelli’s Landscape Services, Inc. New customers call 410 734-2493, while current customers should call 410 741-9683.

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