If you want to make your home even more beautiful on the outside, you should consider landscaping your home. Landscaping can add a lot of appeal to even the smallest homes and in some cases can even add to the value of the property that your home is on. If you are considering landscaping, there are a few things to keep in mind. One of the most important things is that time of year that you want to do your landscaping in. Some plants can only be planted at certain times of the year and if you plant them at other times they have a less chance of surviving.
Last summer is a great time to landscape because there is a lot of different things that you can do to insure that when next spring comes, your yard will be blooming with beautiful arrangements to make everyone take a long look at your yard. Late August isn’t good for planing, but it is great for the maintenance on your yard so that you can be sure to have a beautiful yard next season.
Use the late summer months to do your weed control and trimming of branches and bushes. You can also use this time to plan out anything you may want to do in September or to start looking at your plans for next year. Don’t over fertilize your plants during this time. Many people think that since some of their plants are not looking very good that they should fertilize more, but this isn’t going to do much good. Make sure that your plants stay watered especially if you live in a place with a hot and dry climate during this time of the year.
It’s also a great time to recondition your yard. You can use a good stiff rake and add a fresh layer of topsoil to make sure that things will be nice and healthy for next season. You can add grass seeds now as well so that your lawn will grown in rich and thick next season. Try to stay away from planting flowers because the heat and upcoming cool weather will just kill them off and not give them a chance to get rooted well.
This article was posted in Blog, Hardscaping, Landscape Annapolis, Landscape Design, Landscape Services, Landscaping, Landscaping in Late Summer on August 10, 2011