Have you thrown your hands up to Mother Nature yet? If not, then you must have had Ciminelli’s Landscape Services renovate your landscaping to include native plantings, properly chosen plants, rain barrels, rain gardens, drainage control and beautiful, low maintenance hardscaping. Most yards will look good in April and May, but the real test of the sustainability of your landscaping starts now. We can help you plan for the tougher times of the year so that your yard looks beautiful in every season. Consider a hardscaping feature like a patio, walkway or planted retaining wall for a useful area that you can use year-round. Install rain barrels and rain gardens to capture those flash summer rains. Renovate your drainage to re-direct damaging water flows and finally, plant choice is critical for reducing maintenance. Please give our office a call if you would like a free consultation and estimate for changes to your landscaping.
This article was posted in Blog, Hardscaping, Landscape Annapolis, Landscape Design, Landscape Services, Landscaping, Rain Barrel on July 11, 2011