Matt Ciminelli provides education session for the community on September 25 and 26, 2010 at the Annapolis Home Show in Annapolis, Maryland


Thank you for the opportunity to educate and advance initiatives toward increasing the number of  “Green” communities. Your efforts will positively impact the Chesapeake Bay and create an entire community of concerned citizens whose collective actions  further the area’s commitment to the improving the  health of our waterways and the quality of life in our region.

As owner of Ciminelli’s Landscape Services, Inc. since 1991, I’ve had the opportunity to advance environmentally positive landscape solutions for communities, businesses and homeowners and I look forward to answering questions and providing valuable information to help you and your neighbor’s achieve your goals.


Create a long-term plan with short term steps to achieve the overall vision of  your community as an environmentally friendly and Green .  Concentrate on the “footprint” of the grounds, the energy and water usage of the residents and waste production.  There can be quickly implemented, low-cost ideas as a first step –  including:

* Implement the Growing Green Pledge – developed by Matt Ciminelli and Dr. Frank Gouin and the West Rhode Riverkeepers.

* Establish a Composting site

* Install Rain Barrels with drip hoses

* Review irrigation uses

* Correct immediate erosion areas

* Create a pet waste area and pet waste disposal

* Install a rain garden and bio-swales

* Redirect downspouts

* Reduce lawn areas with meadow areas and reduce mulched areas

* Create a community forum on Facebook or through email to match up residents for environmentally friendly initiatives – ride-sharing, using local merchants, education sessions, etc.

* Establish a community vegetable and garden area

*  Keep the community informed with environmental meetings and events

*  Continual public relations to keep the media informed of your efforts


* Modify existing landscape plans to create a long-term master plan

* Replace impervious walkways and parking with pervious surfaces

* Create more low-maintenance landscaping using native plants environmentally sensitive design

* Beautification of areas

* Green Roofs

* Living Walls and Green Walls

* Applying for Federal and State grants to solve larger issues

* Always consider long-term maintenance of projects

This article was posted in Growing Green Pledge, Landscape Annapolis on September 30, 2010

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